mohenry15 » mohenry15 - bloggið um mohenry15 Innskráning

Búa Til Blogg!

mohenry15 : mohenry15
it very important to live in this world

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Sköpun: 17/06/2009 15:55
Uppfæra: 17/06/2009 15:59
Greinar 1
Myndir 1
Heimsóknir á viku 342
Samtals heimsóknir 257

mohenry15 :: mohenry15

mohenry15 hefur enga aðra blogg!

France - mohenry15
Staða: 10626/56779 meðlimir

Atriði eru flokkuð frá elstu til nýjustu!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: love - 17/06/2009 15:59

it's hard to love a girl but she say i have boy friend  you told them i don't have any one to live with them so don't leave me alone i can't live without you in this world